MPS is an established local firm with a solid financial position. Among the advantages of your agency employing a locally-based firm, is that MPS corporate resources are readily available to support our staff and our client.
Metropolitan Protective Services Capabilities
- Full scope PSD services
- Portal to portal and 24/7 operational profiles
- Advance team capabilities
- Site surveys
- Threat assessments
- Vulnerability studies
- Comprehensive fixed site access control
- Internal fleet operation and maintenance services
- Visual and electronic monitoring and overwatch
- Event site security operations and on site management
- Quick reaction force (QRF) and counter assault team (CAT) capabilities
- Incident command system and emergency response, (medical and fire) trained personnel
- Additional training in asset, personnel and vehicle, recovery, and guard force
Each MPS security person knows the geography of the post and its security requirements and remains within the post limits to control access at all times.
Executive Protection
Guard Service
Survey Consulting
GSA Certified

Metropolitan Protective Services, Inc. is a Maryland based company licensed in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a certified Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB); Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Certified; a Local , Small, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LSDBE) certified by the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority and contracted and registered on the General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule.
MPSI currently provides professional, steadfast reliable and expert security services to the private commercial industry, foreign governmental entities, the federal, state, and local governments. Our services include but are not limited to;
- Armed Uniformed Guards
- Unarmed Uniformed Guards
- Loss Prevention
- GSA Certified Officers trained to
Department of Homeland Security Efforts
- Secret/Top Secret Cleared Officers
- Emergency Response Team Services
- Incident Management and Continuity of Operations
- Law Enforcement Training
- Locksmith Services
Mr. Parks, President/CEO of Metropolitan Protective Services, Inc. founded and started MPSI with his background in police law enforcement and following his vision and aspirations to establish and operate a successful Physical Security company that focuses on safety, excellence in performance, customer service and Client satisfaction. Under his leadership, the company has grown into a multi-million dollar organization and he continues to oversee the day -to-day operations of MPSI.
Quality Control
Our Quality Control Program is administered by the Quality Control Team (QCT). The benefits that our customers receive from MPS's commitment to performance from the customer's perspective, is:
- Conformance to work specifications
- Quality workmanship
- Mitigation of risks related to scheduling
- Minimizing the disruption of day-to-day operations
The MPS Personnel and Hiring Team go to work right away to ensure that we are fully manned to meet the client requirements quickly. Employment ads and employment database searches shall begin immediately upon notification of contract award. More
Metropolitan Protective Service is serious about your security. Our personnel receives the best training and salaries to ensure that our staff is the best available.
We deliver quality services in all areas of security. Our personnel are highly trained and must exhibit professional qualities to wear the Metropolitan uniform.
Our senior management staff is comprised of individuals with over 30 years of collective experience in the security services field and law enforcement. We offer detailed management structure and daily oversight of all personnel to ensure that our clients receive responsive security support.